Enjoying a peaceful existence is possible at any age

Currently, people in the United States and Mexico are living longer and longer compared to previous times. Many of our elders live healthily, but there is a significant percentage and especially when we approach sixty-five, if not before, certain symptoms, problems and/or diseases appear on different physical, mental and relational levels.
From a physical perspective, joint pain is common, pain appears that until now was unknown and In some way it becomes a companion and is usually normalized. We know that both ligaments and tendons deteriorate, thus losing flexibility, for example. Logically, the organs, despite the fact that they perform less, are no longer what they used to be, making it impossible to endure the work that was done while performing less.
When we were babies it was impossible to do what we did later, for example in adolescence, but this did not prevent us from existing with sufficient harmony with our environment and its difficulties. Thanks to the RESFO sessions, people regain the functional harmony that they had lost in relation to themselves, their environment and their difficulties, which unfortunately they now understand as something daily for them, changing their way of existing, losing pain, functioning in its totality within its capabilities and limitations, to accept the reality of the present moment.
In the psychic sphere and constantly, memory loss appears and this is usually one of the symptoms that worries the most, since it is attributed to Alzheimer's disease, raising an alert in many. The cause of this disease is not yet known, the latest clinical studies examine different factors, such as genetic ones, and the gene called APOE ɛ4 may be involved; Others are related between cognitive impairments and vascular conditions such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension, diabetes and obesity, having a direct implication in developing this disease.
The action of RESFO, thanks to its action on the epigenetic state, preserves cellular degradation, thus preventing set of all possible causes, but this action must be carried out before the symptoms appear, since once they appear you can only stop them; between four and six RESFO sessions per year will be enough to be protected.
Throughout this stage, the fear of no longer being here also usually appears, especially of the illness that It can lead to death, being one of the main thoughts at this age. We have seen and known in our environment how their days end, people who have a certain illness, with a lot of pain and suffering, especially in the last moments. But, the relatives who have brought their loved ones with me will not let me lie, that despite the illnesses they may have suffered, they leave this world without pain, calm and serene, surprising many people close to them. This fact often comes to me from patients' relatives, as a form of gratitude.
Finally, on the relational level, physical and psychological problems sometimes and significantly tend towards isolation , gradually generating difficult relationships, gradually disappearing from social life. After the RESFO sessions, what has to do with humans awakens again in them and that, in turn, exists in each of us, transcending our personality. The ties and links remain, making the environment a pleasant, familiar and warm existence. In the almost forty years that RESFO has been in existence, it has been seen that the treated people enjoy a calm, serene existence without discomfort, even when their time comes, leaving without suffering.